The world and all our lives have some big problems. We may not be able to overcome them alone. But what we can choose is this... Whether we want to be part of those problems, Or if we want to play a part in their solution. Do YOU want to be part of the solution?
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The UK’s most sustainable online shopping destination


Not just a pretty name, Odylique provide genuine natural skincare that is kind to human skin and habitat. The name is derived from a French phrase meaning ‘Power of nature’.

Recognising the skin as the body’s largest living, breathing organ, absorbing most of what is applied to it, Odylique offer healthy and organic body care that is free from chemical residues in order to enable minimal toxic load on the body.

With a focus on sensitive skin they avoid all synthetic chemicals and use allergy-friendly ingredients.

At the bottom of this page is an exclusive 20% Odylique coupon code for Ethical Revolution readers.

A family business, Odylique resides in the rolling fields of Suffolk where anyone can visit the botanical gardens in which every single Odylique product is handmade.

Odylique products are accredited by both PETA and The NatureWatch Foundation as Cruelty-Free. They are also certified organic by the Soil Association and are mostly* vegan. There is no palm oil in Odylique products and they have a responsible approach to packaging: promoting refills, reuse and recycling in order to minimise their impact on the environment. They have received Ethical Consumer Best Buy status.

*100% vegetarian, with occasional beeswax ingredient.

20% Coupon Code: ETHREV

Odylique products include: After-Sun; Aromatherapy; Baby Lotion; Bath & Shower Gel, Concealer; Conditioner, Deodorant; Essential Oils; Eye Shadow; Eye Liner; Face Masks, Facial cleansers; Facial Mists; Lipstick; Mascara; Massage Oils; Moisturisers, Nappy Cream, Nipple Cream, Shampoo, Soap; Sun Cream; Toners;

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