The world and all our lives have some big problems. We may not be able to overcome them alone. But what we can choose is this... Whether we want to be part of those problems, Or if we want to play a part in their solution. Do YOU want to be part of the solution?
✊ Be part of the Ethical Revolution.👈
Love The Planet

Ethical Bookseller Survey

Way back in 2017 I carried out a survey of the top 10 ethical online booksellers, ranking them for things including customer experience, packaging and price relative to Amazon. I then combined my results with Ethical Consumer Magazine’s ‘ethiscore’ for each bookseller to give a top ten list of alternatives to Amazon.

Ethical Revolution is now the go-to website for people looking to find books from alternative sellers to Amazon and I even have an Ethical Bookseller Search Tool which browses many of these sellers and more so you don’t have to trawl through all of them individually to find the best option.

The bookseller ratings are now kept up to date by visitors to Ethical Revolution like yourself submitting feedback below. See the up to date ratings here.

Win a £20 book token by submitting your feedback

I randomly select one in every thirty participants to receive a £20 book token.

How do I take part?

1. Either use my book search tool below to find where your book is cheapest or click one of the specified booksellers from the list to go directly to them.

2. Buy the book.

3. Take a note of the price of the book on Amazon at the time of purchase and when your book arrives fill in the survey at the bottom of this page.

The Book Search Tool

The Bookseller List

Survey form

Click here to make your submission by email and then copy and paste the text below in to the email with your answers alongside each line. Thank you for taking part! Winners of the book vouchers are announced on my social media channels.

Your Name: 

Your Email:

Book Seller:

Order Number:

Book Title:

Book Price:

Delivery Cost:

Amazon Price at time of purchase:

Delivery Time:

Website Usability (List as many of the numbers from 1-5 that describe it):
1. Good Website Speed, 2. Easy to Navigate, 4. Detailed & Accurate Book Description, 5. Smooth Purchasing Process

Packaging (List as many of the numbers from 1-6 that describe it):
1. Minimal Packaging, 2. Recycled Packaging, 3. Fully Recyclable, 4. From Certified Sustainable Source, 5. Zero Plastic, 6. Protective
Posted on 24 November 2020

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