What is The Fediverse?
There are already millions of users in The Fediverse, but for those who are still new to it how should I explain? 🤔
I know! 💡 I’ll let more articulate people than myself elaborate…
This article by Per Axbom is a nice introduction if you’d like to read about it. 🤓
This interactive walkthrough by Stefan Bohacek is a super, bitesize explainer. 🚶🏻
This video by The Giddy Stitcher is a brilliant simplifier. It is aimed towards the crafting community but anybody can get the gist by watching. Enjoy! 🍿
This super vid by Meljoann shows how easy it is to get started! 📲
And this post on how to easily join Mastodon by my bandmate (yes, I’m in a band!) is probably the simplest way to tip your toes in the Fedi waters.
Here’s another: How to get started with Mastodon by Doc Pop.
This longer read from Elena Rossini on WHY the Fediverse is the most empowering, most ethical technological solution out there for social media contains a beautiful foodie analogy in which The Fediverse is the healthy, heartening and nourishing option in a world of sugary, highly processed junk.
Further reading can be found on:
Posted on 27 March 2024