The world and all our lives have some big problems. We may not be able to overcome them alone. But what we can choose is this... Whether we want to be part of those problems, Or if we want to play a part in their solution. Do YOU want to be part of the solution?
✊ Be part of the Ethical Revolution.👈

Energise Energy

Switching energy supplier to one who provides 100% renewable electricity and carbon-neutral gas is one of THE most powerful things you can do. In the UK there are three energy providers who add sufficient renewable energy to the national grid to match what you as a customer are taking out. Most of the others may be able to legally claim that they are 100% renewable, but this is only because of a poorly-designed system of trading certificates rather than because they actually make any meaningful contribution to renewable capacity building or commit to not building any more fossil fuelled plants.


Ecotricity’s 100% green energy is made from the sun and the wind. Ecotricity turn their customers’ bills into new sources of green energy by building new wind and sun parks across the country, increasing the amount of renewables in Britain rather than just trading what already exists. They also constantly research and develop newer, bigger and more efficient ways of generating green electricity with the ultimate goal to completely replace electricity made by burning fossil fuels. If you switch your energy supply to Ecotricity in partnership with Ethical Revolution you’ll receive a free Montezuma’s chocolate hamper worth £75.


100Green describe themselves as, “the only supplier in the UK to offer only 100% green electricity AND gas. No carbon offsetting – just real, green energy for people who care.” When you sign up to 100Green, you are choosing energy that has been sustainably generated from green and renewable sources.

Good Energy

Good Energy is part-owned by Ecotricity and has been providing homes with 100% renewable electricity for over 15 years, matching their customers’ electricity use over the course of a year with power from British sunshine, wind and rain. By making the switch to Good Energy you can support a cleaner, greener future, help to tackle climate change and protect the beautiful environment that surrounds us.

All three of the above are the highest ranked energy companies in the UK as of 2023 according to the Ethical Consumer Research Association

Community Energy

As well as the three above there are over 500 community energy projects in the UK which can offer communities the chance to define and control their own energy needs, reduce carbon, address fuel poverty, increase local economic resilience and grow local engagement and awareness on energy and climate issues.

Who to Avoid + more…

To find out more on the subject, including which companies should be avoided where possible, read Ethical Consumer’s comprehensive guide.

Your 26 Steps Checklist

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