The world and all our lives have some big problems. We may not be able to overcome them alone. But what we can choose is this... Whether we want to be part of those problems, Or if we want to play a part in their solution. Do YOU want to be part of the solution?
✊ Be part of the Ethical Revolution.👈
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Welcome aboard the Ethical Revolution

26 Steps to a Better World – Easy as ABC!

Ethical Revolution offers 26 steps from A to Z that you could begin taking today to contribute to a better tomorrow. Will you take one small step today?

Although there are many things we could do the sheer volume of possibility can make knowing where to start seem a daunting, overwhelming prospect. By taking just one small step at a time you’ll find it easy and rewarding

Scroll down, click through and hopefully you’ll find inspiration from some of these simple steps that you might choose to take…

Or you can sign up here to take the A-Z challenge of 26 steps to a better world, with one step arriving in your inbox every two weeks, concluding with you becoming a fully-fledged Ethical Revolutionary in one year!

The 26 Steps:

1. Amazon Alternatives

THE Amazon are the lungs of the planet. Bezos’ Amazon is the tar. It is ubiquitous and omnipotent in modern life and so it’s not always easy to shut it out. I can help you quit…

The first simple step is to source your books from an ethical book seller:
Support your local, independent bookseller where possible;
Or use my Ethical Book Search Tool when buying online.

Read more on why and how to avoid Amazon here…

2. Better Banking

Switching your current and savings accounts can make a massive contribution to creating a better world. Why? It’s likely your bank invests in fossil fuels; has anti-social finance issues or resides in a tax haven. If you prefer one who didn’t then make a switch…

Take this step here…

3. Consume Consciously

The power we all have every day of our lives to vote with our wallets is proven to be one of the most effective ways of shaping society.
To encourage use of ethically-minded companies who help shape a positive society I have an ever-expanding bank of discount codes and offers from them.
Three examples below. Search more above.

I also have an Ethical Directory of ethically-minded brands.

Read up on consuming more consciously and take this step here…

4. Decrease Doings

Less is more yet we live in age where we’re always on call.
Busier but poorer has been the trend for most people in recent decades.
Is it any wonder there’s a mental health crisis?
We need to slow down, embrace the calm and take more time for the self…

Take this step…

5. Energise Energy

Switching energy supplier to one who provides 100% renewable electricity and carbon-neutral gas is undoubtedly one of THE most powerful things you can do. Click below to read more on potential options & offers available.

Take this step…

If you’re actively doing or have completed the five steps above you’re already a big part of the solution!
Every other step you take from here will make you even more of a super solver.
Bookmark this page and tick them off in your own time…

Your 26 Steps Checklist